




6.计算机英语翻译 急用


1.Computer he already changed our life in many ways.


2.As far as we can see,the effects of computers on society go far deeper than online lifestyles.


3.With the development of computer technology, and the progress we know and use them, we believe we can conquer the difficulties that computer bring.


4.Input devices are equipment that translate data and programs that humans can understand into a form that the computer can process.


5.CPU controls and manipulates data to produce information.


6. The microprocessor is the heart of any normal computer, whether it is a desktop computer,a server or a laptop.


7.The first microprocessor to bring computer home was the Intel 8086.


8.Programs are instructions that tell the computer how to process data into the form you want.


9.System software enables the lication software to interact with the computer.


10.The most important program that runs on a computer is the operating system.




The software system can be divided into two major parts:lication software and system software.Application software is consist of programs of tasks which are performed specifically in machine.Compared with lication software,system software includes lots of programs.This kind of softwares start your computer and be the main coordinator between all the hardwares and lication softwares.Hardwares and lication softwares will not work unless you install/load the system software into/in your RAM.

系统软件可以分为三个基本部分:操作系统、实用程序软件和语言翻译程序。一个安装的大多数实用程序软件都是由一些程序组成,这些程序执行还未包括在OS 中,但对于计算机安装是基本的一些动作。在某种意义上,实用软件是由扩充OS能力的那些软件部件组成的。

The system software has three basic parts:the operating system,utility software and language processing procedures.An installed utility software is usually composed of some programs.Those executions of programs are not included in the operating system,but there are basic activities of the computer installation.In a sense,utility softwares is composed of those components that extending the function of operating system.


The computer OS is the main collection of managing its active programs. The routine work of OS is management and control. OS ensures that all the actions of user requests are allowable, and processed in an orderly way. It also manages the computer system resources for the effective and consistent implementation of these operations.


Application software is the software which is designed to help you solve your specific business problem or to perform specific business tasks.So the lication software is the software layer closest to you.And basically there are four types of lication software: production software, business /professional software, entertainment software and educational software/reference software.





 When computer came into being, it developed so fast and its functions are various. Computer brings people convenience, people count on them to do their work. It is believed that computer has taken place of the brain. While in my opinion, computer can’t overpass the brain.


 Computer is the process that is designed by human beings. Computer is the robot, the scientists design the complicated process and then make it to work. People can control the computer to do their own things. Even though computer works in a very fast way, its process will goes wrong sometimes. Such as the translation, computer always translates the words one by one, making the meaning very ridiculous.


 Computer can’t take place of the brain because it has no emotion. The process just gives people the direct result and computer can’t think in their own way. But people’ brain has its own thinking and the critical mind makes the great difference. The brain surpasses progress because people he the ability to think.


 In all, though computer works fast and precise, it can’t take place of the brain.





英文:A personal computer (PC) is any general-purpose computer whose size, capabilities, and original sales price make it useful for individuals, and which is intended to be operated directly by an end-user with no intervening computer operator. Many people consider a PC to be a Windows system, but this is not true and PC's include any type of computer that is used in a "personal" manner. This is in contrast to the batch processing or time-sharing models which allowed large expensive mainframesystems to be used by many people, usually at the same time, or large data processing systems which required a full-time staff to operate efficiently. It is also in contrast with the more recent trend of controlling software ailability through an intervening third party such as the Apple App Store.[1][2]A personal computer may be a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet PC, or a handheld PC (also called a palmtop). The most common microprocessors in personal computers are x86-compatible CPUs. Software lications for personal computers includeword processing, spreadsheets, databases, Web browsers and e-mail clients, games, and myriad personal productivity and special-purpose software lications. Modern personal computers often he connections to the Internet, allowing access to the World Wide Web and a wide range of other resources.A PC may be used at home or in an office. Personal computers may be connected to a local area network (LAN), either by a cable or a wireless connection.While early PC owners usually had to write their own programs to do anything useful with the machines, today's users he access to a wide range of commercial and non-commercial software, which is provided in ready-to-run or ready-to-compile form. Since the 1980s, Microsoft and Intel he dominated much of the personal computer market, first with MS-DOS and then with the Wintel platform.中文:个人电脑(英语:Personal Computer,简称:PC),普遍称为电脑,中国内地又称为个人计算机,是在大小、性能以及价位等多个方面适合于个人使用,并由最终用户直接操控的计算机的统称。它与批处理计算机或分时系统等一般同时由多人操控的大型计算机相对。从台式电脑(或称桌面电脑)、笔记本电脑到平板电脑等都属于个人电脑的范畴。


英语 英标 翻译

administrator [?d'm?n?,stret?] 管理员

lication software [,?pli'kei?n 's?ftw?] 应用软件

Browser 英音:['brauz?]美音:['brauz?] 网页浏览器

Database ['det?,bes] 数据库


Database数据库 database files数据库文件 Database manager数据库管理 Data bus数据总线 Data projector数码放映机 Desktop system unit台式电脑系统单元 Destination file目标文件 Digital cameras数码照相机 Digital notebooks数字笔记本 Digital video camera数码摄影机 Discrete-speech recognition system不连续语言识别系统 Document文档 document files文档文件 Dot-matrix printer点矩阵式打印机 Dual-scan monitor双向扫描显示器 Dumb terminal非智能终端 data security数据安全 Data transmission specifications数据传输说明 database administrator数据库管理员 Dataplay数字播放器 Demodulation解调 denial of service attack拒绝服务攻击 Dial-up service拨号服务 Digital cash数字现金 Digital signals数字信号 Digital subscriber line数字用户线路 Digital versatile disc数字化通用磁盘 Digital video disc数字化光盘 Direct access直接存取 Directory search目录搜索 disaster recovery plan灾难恢复 Disk caching磁盘驱动器高速缓存 Diskette磁盘 Disk磁碟 Distributed data processing system分部数据处理系统 Distributed processing分布处理 Domain code域代码 Downloading下载 DVD 数字化通用磁盘 DVD-R 可写DVD DVD-RAM DVD随机存取器 DVD-ROM 只读DVD

e-book电子阅读器 Expansion cards扩展卡 end user终端用户 e-cash电子现金 e-commerce电子商务 electronic cash电子现金 electronic commerce电子商务 electronic communications privacy act of1986电子通信隐私法案 encrypting加密术 energy star能源之星 Enterprise computing企业计算化 environment环境 Erasable optical disks可擦除式光盘 ergonomics人类工程学 ethics道德规范 External modem外置调制解调器 extranet企业外部网




如果需要描述电脑的种类或品牌,还需要根据具体的名称进行发音。例如,“Macbook”发/m_k b_k/的音,“ThinkPad”发/θ__k p_d/的音,等等。

计算机英语翻译 急用



相关例句:The computer is out of order, so the business of writing checks is not ailable now电脑出故障了,因此现在不提供开支票这项业务。

相关例句:Tell me how much you paid for this new computer告诉我你买这台新电脑花了多少钱。






